
News Agency Management System

28 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Emre ÇİNTAŞ tarafından yazılmıştır.

This project have made by me and my friends when we're in 3rd years at school.The information contained in the publication constantly updated automatically between news management system and persons who prepared the site shall apply a hierarchy with role-based security.


1- Correspondent writes the news. Correspondent has facility to store and later resumed until all pieces of news in the system.Send completed news to editor for evaluate.

2-Editor, news (content, accuracy, spelling rules, etc.) evaluates and corrects. If it finds acceptable, forwards it for approval to the director of the general release to the author for correction or (correspondent) return it.

3-General editor who accepted the news,if its acceptable, will publications, or send back for review.

4- As the final stage, the news release and publication dates of removal is determined.

5-The system administrator has the highest authority. System manager(s) shall have the power to add and remove users.



User : Someone who uses a product, machine or service.

Correspondent : A person employed by a newspaper, a television station, etc. to report on a particular subject or send reports from a country.

Editor : A person who corrects or changes pieces of text before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in charge of a newspaper.

Approval : When you have a positive opinion of someone or something. Scheduling : to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time.

Superuser : Someone who knows a lot about a computer program and can help other people to use it.

A User can do following processes

System login, Read news

A Correspondent can do following processes

System login, Write news, Read news, Edit news that not send to editor

An Editor can do following processes

System login, Read news, Edit all news(Revise), Send Back(Reject)

An Approval can do following processes

System login, Read news, Edit news, Approve, Send back

A Superuser can do following processes

System login, Add,remove user

Main Use Case Diagram of the System img User Interface

If username and password entered «user» then database will control username and password and if it is true that program will open user panel.

If username and password entered «approval» then database will control username and password in Login Button and if it is true that program will open approval(for editor) panel.

If click File>Insert News then it will open insert news panel for approval

If click File>Read News then it will open insert news panel for approval

If username and password entered «correspondent» then database will control username and password in Login Button and if it is true that program will open correspondent panel. Analysis

- An initial reading of the use cases suggests that the following will be part of the system.

- A single entity object representing the current news agency system that the program is working with (welcomeuser,welcomeapproval,welcomeeditor….).

A boundary object representing the interface between the news agency system and the human user (AgencySystemGUI).

A controller object that carries out the use cases in response to user gestures on the GUI (insertnews,deletenews,editnews…..).